Pulse Machine

Pulse Machine

  Pulse Machine   This electromechanical sculpture was ‘born’ in Nashville, Tennessee on 2 June 2012, at 6:18 PM. It has been programmed to have the average human lifespan of babies born in Tennessee on that same day: approximately 78 years. The kick drum...

Mobile Traitor

A cell phone application runs in the background of a person’s phone. It will randomly text message someone from their contact list “I don’t like you any more” once a month. What if your cellphone suddenly became evil and betrayed you? Everyone assumes the text message...


  dollar$4DATA   Device which pays the user in exchange for the rights to all media on their phone. The subject does not not what will become of their media. How much is your personal data worth to you?   Shown at: 2012 Fresh Media, Friend St. Gallery...


A phone sits solemnly on a pedestal, ringing incessantly as if by an urgent caller. The viewer is disallowed from answering the phone. Pavlov is about the control technology has over us. A ringing phone begs to be answered, when it can not be it becomes irksome to say...


A plate hangs from the rafters above broken shards, held on by an electrical clamp attached to a blue button. When the button is pressed, a countdown begins and gets steadily faster until it reaches its end and does nothing. Even if we know something may lead to...