
1. an AI combines different words together to generate an image of what it thinks those words look like
2. the AI then produces variants of those images by “breeding” it with other images,  creating “child” images
3. another AI shows the artist several “child” images, measuring his brainwaves and body-signals to select which image he likes best
4. step 2 and 3 are repeated until the AI determines it has reached an optimal image
5. another AI increases the resolution of the image by filling in blanks with what it thinks should exist there
6.  the result is sent to be painted on canvas by reproduction painters
7. a final AI looks at the image, tries to figure out what is in it, and makes a title

Special thanks to bigGAN, Joel Simon and his ganbreeder website and the ganbreeder community. Some images and parameters were sourced from the collaborative ganbreeder community.